
Table UI Component




borderedWhether to show all table bordersbooleanfalse
childrenColumnNameThe column contains children to displaystring / []children
columnsColumns of tableColumnProps[]-
componentsOverride default table elementsTableComponents-
dataSourceData record array to be displayedany / []-
dataSourceFullIf dataSource prop is a subset of a larger array (via search component for example), but you want selection row to operate on the full data array (selection onChange handler will return keys that are not in the current subset but have been selected prior to searching)same as dataSource-
defaultExpandAllRowsExpand all rows initiallybooleanfalse
defaultExpandedRowKeysInitial expanded row keysstring / []-
disableColumnNamesLineBreakDisable line break when rendering column namesbooleanfalse
expandedRowKeysCurrent expanded row keysstring / []-
expandedRowRenderExpanded container render for each row(record, index, indent, expanded) => React.ReactNode-
expandIconCustomize row expand Icon. Ref example(props) => React.ReactNode-
expandRowByClickWhether to expand row by clicking anywhere in the whole rowbooleanfalse
footerTable footer renderer(currentPageData) => React.ReactNode
indentSizeIndent size in pixels of tree datanumber15
loadingLoading status of tableboolean / objectfalse
localei18n text including filter, sort, empty text, etcobjectfilterConfirm: 'Ok'
filterReset: 'Reset'
emptyText: 'No Data'
paginationConfig of pagination. You can ref table pagination config or full pagination document, hide it by setting it to falseobject
rowClassNameRow's className(record, index: number) => string-
rowKeyRow's unique key, could be a string or function that returns a stringstring / (record) => stringkey
scrollSet horizontal or vertical scrolling, can also be used to specify the width and height of the scroll area, could be number, percent value, true and 'max-content'{ x: number / true, y: number }-
showHeaderWhether to show table headerbooleantrue
sizeSize of tabledefault / middle / smalldefault
titleTable title rendererstring / React.ReactNode
hideTitleBarWheter to hide table title barboolean-
headerWithBorderTopWheter to add line above table title barboolean-
itemsMenuComponents or text visible when any of table itams are selected, usually used for bulk actionsstring / React.ReactNode-
searchSearch querystring-
cellSizeDefines padding size of each row in tablesmall / medium / defaultdefault
roundedHeaderWheter to round table headerbooleanfalse
selectionConfig of rows selectionRowSelection-
filtersArray of filters cofings, earch of them will be rendered in table title barFilter[]-
groupedWhether to render table as GroupedTable of DefaultTableboolean-
onChangeCallback executed when pagination, filters or sorter is changed(pagination, filters, sorter, extra: { currentDataSource: [] }) => void
onExpandCallback executed when the row expand icon is clicked(expanded, record) => void
onExpandedRowsChangeCallback executed when the expanded rows change(expandedRows) => void
onHeaderRowSet props on per header row(column, index) => object-
onRowSet props on per row(record, index) => object-
onSortCallback executed when sorter is changed(sortedColumn: {columnKey: string; order: descend \ ascend \ null}, sortState: [key: string]: { sortOrder: descend \ ascend \ null; multiple: number \ false;}) => void-
getPopupContainerthe render container of dropdowns in table(triggerNode) => HTMLElement() => TableHtmlElement
renderSelectionTitleFunction to render a custom title in table header when some items are selected({selection: RowSelection, filters:Filter[] }) => React.ReactNode-
rowStarConfiguration of row starringRowStar-


columnsColumns of tableColumnProps[]-
scrollWhether the table can be scrollable, config{x?: number, y: number}-
onRowClickCallback executed when row is clicked(row) => void-
onListRefChangeCallback executed when a ref to the List (react-window package) component changes(ref: RefObject) => void-
cellHeightDefines height of single cellnumber-
initialWidthInitial width of tablenumber-


Display tree structure data in Table when there is field key children in dataSource.


This type of table requires a specific type of dataSource which has to contain a structure as the following:

columnKey of grouped columnstring-
keyKey of groupReact.ReactText-
valueValue of group ex. specific value or group nameReact.ReactText\boolean\object-
rowsData of items in group, like standard dataSourceany[]-
groupTypeType of active groupingvalue / ranges / interval / undefined-


fixedWhether to show selection column as fixed or notboolean-
selectedRowKeysArray of selected row keysReact.ReactText[]
selectionsSelections options available in table titleSelectionItem[]-
onChangeCallback executed when selection changes(selectedRowKeys: React.ReactText[], selectedRows: T[]) => void-
limitMax length of selection rows arraynumber-
independentSelectionExpandedRowsAllows to select parent and child rows independentlyboolean-


classNameClassname of star componentstring-
starredRowKeysArray of keys of starred rowsstring[]-
renderCellOverrides render methodColumnType<T>['render']-
onClickCallback called when user clicks on star component(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement, MouseEvent>) => void-
onChangeCallback called when user change starred status of row(starredRowKeys: string[], starredKey: string, isStarred: boolean) => void-
disableForExpandedRowsHides star components on child rowsboolean-


Type which contains: DSTable.SELECTION_ALL | DSTable.SELECTION_INVERT | Selection | null | undefined;


Allows to create custom selection

keyUnique key of this selectionstring-
labelDisplay name of this selectionstring-
onClickCallback executed when this selection is clicked() => void-


tooltipsObject contains varius tooltips titles{default: string, clear: string, define: string, list: string}-
openedLabelLabel visible list of filters is openedstring-
keyKey of filterstring-
iconIcon of filterReact.ReactNode-
showListFunction executed when user clicks on showList icon() => void-
showFunction executed when user clicks on filter icon() => void-
handleClearFunction executed when user clicks on clear filter icon() => void-
selectedName of selected filter{name: string}-
disabledWhether to disable filter iconboolean-

onRow usage

Same as onRow onHeaderRow onCell onHeaderCell

onRow={(record, rowIndex) => {
return {
onClick: event => {}, // click row
onDoubleClick: event => {}, // double click row
onContextMenu: event => {}, // right button click row
onMouseEnter: event => {}, // mouse enter row
onMouseLeave: event => {}, // mouse leave row
onHeaderRow={column => {
return {
onClick: () => {}, // click header row


One of the Table columns prop for describing the table's columns, Column has the same API.

alignspecify which way that column is alignedleft / right / centerleft3.3.2
classNameclassName of this columnstring-
colSpanSpan of this column's titlenumber
dataIndexDisplay field of the data record, could be set like a.b.c, a[0].b.c[1]string-
defaultSortOrderDefault order of sorted valuesascend / descend-
filterDropdownCustomized filter overlayReactNode-
filterDropdownVisibleWhether filterDropdown is visibleboolean-
filteredWhether the dataSource is filteredbooleanfalse
filteredValueControlled filtered value, filter icon will highlightstring / []-
filterIconCustomized filter iconReact.ReactNode / (filtered: boolean) => React.ReactNodefalse
filterMultipleWhether multiple filters can be selectedbooleantrue
filtersFilter menu configobject / []-
fixedSet column to be fixed: true(same as left) 'left' 'right'boolean / stringfalse
itemsMenuComponent with menu for selected itemsReact.ReactNode-
keyUnique key of this column, you can ignore this prop if you've set a unique dataIndexstring-
maxWidthMaximal width of this columnstring / number-
minWidthMinimal of this column. If not provided, defaults to width property.string / number-
renderRenderer of the table cell. The return value should be a ReactNode, or an object for colSpan/rowSpan config(value, record, index) => React.ReactNode-
childRenderRenderer of the table cell in child row - available only on virtual tables. The return value should be a ReactNode, or an object for colSpan/rowSpan config(value, record, index) => React.ReactNode-
searchSearch input valuestring-
sorterSort function for local sort, see Array.sort's compareFunction. If you need sort buttons only, set to true.
Use object for multi sorting:
{ compare: (a, b) => a.math - b.math, <br />multiple: 2 }
function / boolean / object-
sortOrderOrder of sorted values: 'ascend' 'descend' falseboolean / string-
sortDirectionssupported sort way, could be 'ascend', 'descend'Array['ascend', 'descend']3.15.2
sortRenderHow to render sort buttons and options. Values: 'default', 'string', (sortStateApi: SortStateAPI, column: DSColumnType<T>) => React.ReactElementstring / function / 'default''default'
titleTitle of this columnReact.ReactNode / ({ sortOrder, filters }) => React.ReactNode-
widthWidth of this columnstring / number-
onCellSet props on per cell(record, rowIndex: number) => object-
onFilterCallback executed when the confirm filter button is clicked() => void-
onFilterDropdownVisibleChangeCallback executed when filterDropdownVisible is changed(visible: boolean) => void-
onHeaderCellSet props on per header cell(column) => object-


titleTitle of the column groupstring\ReactNode-


Properties for pagination.

positionspecify the position of Pagination'top' \ 'bottom' \ 'both''bottom'

More about pagination, please check Pagination.